All writing and photos, unless expressed are property of Winelands Explore. The views and opinions expressed within are those of Nicola and Winelands Explore. Most experiences are subjective and may differ for each individual.
We endeavour to keep the site up to date, but there may be changes or errors that could occur. If any uncertainty, please contact the individual farms using the links available. Please feel free to advise us if you pick up an error and/or omission.
Winelands Explore is not affiliated to any wine farm, and Nicola’s reviews are independent and unbiased.
This site uses “cookies” and you have the option to accept or refuse these. Cookies are used to improve the quality of our website, to enhance your experience when using our website and to enable us to monitor and analyse the usage of our website.
This website does contain information, reference and images of alcohol and therefore not intended for persons under the legal drinking age (in South Africa this is 18 years of age).
Winelands Explore promotes responsible drinking and does not condone the excessive use of alcohol or driving while under the influence of alcohol.